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  • 6e BASTET

    Here is a video from the last Bastet Project...

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  • 6e BASTET


    Wednesday, May 11th 2011

    Shrek meets Donkey

    Shrek meets Donkey in the forest.

    Shrek is tallER THAN Donkey =

    Donkey is smallER THAN Shrek.

    Shrek is MORE intelligent THAN Donkey.

    Pour comparer 2 choses ou 2 personnes, on utilise:

    # Si l'adjectif est petit (une ou deux syllables): (ADJECTIF+ER... THAN)

    Ex: Shrek is tallER THAN Donkey

    # Si l'adjectif est plus long:


    Ex: Shrek is MORE intelligent THAN Donkey

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  • 6e BASTET

    Thursday, May 5th 2011

    Shrek's Morning

    Every day, Shrek goes to the bathroom / toilet.

    He takes a shower with mud.

    He brushes his teeth.

    He jumps in the lake and he farts in the water!


    # brush: brosser

    # a tooth: une dent # teeth: les dents

    # a toothbrush: une brosse à dents

    # jump: sauter

    # a lake: un lac

    # water: eau

    # fart: 'faire un gaz'
















    Friday, May 6th 2011

    Shrek's day

    In the morning Shrek stretchES.

    Shrek jumps in the water, he farts and he kills a fish!

    Shrek paints a picture in the afternoon .

    Shrek eats eyes for dinner!

    Shrek makes a fire with a burp in the evening.

    Shrek relaxes / Shrek rests.

    Shrek shouts and the men run fast.


    # kill: tuer

    # scary: effrayant # scared: effrayé

    # scare: faire peur, effrayer

    # burp: roter

    # make a fire: faire un feu

    # stretch: s'étirer

    # rest: se reposer

    # shout: crier, parler fort # yell: hurler

    # run: courir

    # the breakfast: le petit déjeuner

    # the dinner: le diner

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  • 6e BASTET


    Friday, April 15th 2011

    What do you do in the morning?

    Ms Theiler wakeS up at 6 O'Clock.

    She SOMETIMES drinkS hot chocolate.

    She OFTEN watchES TV.

    She ALWAYS goES to school.

    Karim wakeS up at 7 O'Clock.

    He ALWAYS takes a shower.

    He brushES his hair.

    He goES to the bathroom.

    He eatS breakfast (cereals).

    Pour parler de la fréquence d'une activité (jamais, parfois, souvent, toujours), on utilise:


    Ces adverbes se placent AVANT le verbe, sauf quand il s'agit du verbe 'être' (BE).

    Ex: He sometimes watches TV.

    Ex: He is always happy.

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  • 6e BASTET


    Thursday, April 14th 2011


    Mr Tetard wakeS up at half past five.

    He takeS a shower.

    He SOMETIMES listenS to the radio.

    He eatS breakfast at 6 O'Clock.

    He ALWAYS drinkS coffee because he loveS coffee.

    He NEVER watchES TV in the morning.

    He OFTEN drinkS orange juice.

    Pour parler de la vie, des actions de quelqu'un d'autre (il/elle = he/she), on utilise le Présent Simple. Le verbe ne change pas, sauf à la 3e personne (he/she), on ajoute un «S » au verbe.

    Ex: He always drinks coffee.


    # never: jamais

    # sometimes: parfois

    # often: souvent

    # always: tout le temps

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  • 6e BASTET

    "What time is it?" video from the High School Musical 2 film:

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    Tuesday, April 12th 2011


    Her name is Sarah.

    She is eleven years old.

    She lives in Louvroil = She is from Louvroil.

    Her nationality is French = She is French.

    She has got 6 brothers and 1 sister.

    She likes her mother.


    His name is Cyad.

    He is twelve years old.

    He (Cyad) lives in Louvroil.

    His nationality is Algerian.

    He has got 6 brothers and 2 sisters

    He likes swimming.

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  • 6e BASTET


    Wednesday, April 6th 2011


    6:00: it is six O' Clock

    2:00: it is two O' Clock

    4:15: it is quarter past four

    7:15: it is quarter past seven

    3:30: it is half past three

    9:30: it is half past nine

    9:45: it is quarter to ten

    11:45: it is quarter to twelve

    1:10: it is ten past one

    5:20: it is twenty past five

    7:40: it is twenty to eight

    10.55: it is five to eleven

    Pour donner une heure « pile »: _____ O' Clock

    Ex: 10:00: it is ten 0' Clock

    Pour dire « et quart »: quarter past __________

    Ex: 11:15: it is quarter past eleven

    Pour dire « et demie »: half past ___________

    Ex: 8.30: it is half past eight

    Pour dire « moins le quart »: quarter to _______

    Ex: 4:45: it is quarter to five

    Pour parler du nombre de minutes après une heure, on utilise « PAST », et pour indiquer le nombre de minutes jusque l'heure suivante: « TO ».

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