• 4e EURO

    Here are videos about the "Pledge of Allegiance" which we'll talk about tomorrow:

    "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
    and to the republic for which it stands,
    one nation under God, indivisible,
    with liberty and justice for all."

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  • 4e EURO 1

    Tuesday, June 7th 2011

    History of the American Flag :

    the Stars & Stripes


    The American flag has got thirteen stripes and fifty stars.

    The stars represent the fifty states and the stripes represent the original colonies.

    White represents innocence and purity.

    Blue represents vigilance and justice.

    Red represents hardiness (courage) & valor.

    The first flag had thirteen stars and thirteen stripes. Betsy Ross sewed the first flag in 1777.

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